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Day of the Dead from
... Dead. All Saint's Day on Nov. 1 and All Soul's Day on Nov. 2 are at once sacred and satirical. They are fiestas to welcome back the souls of recently departed loved ones. On All Saint's Day, children's souls are supposed to return to ...
Day of the Dead from
Day of the Dead Mexican celebration honors ancestors. For the Westerners, death is an abstract, wicked word that no one dares utter or else his lips will burn. On the other ... Day of the Dead celebration also known as All Souls' Day.
Day of the Dead from
... Day of the Dead exhibit. kicked off at Victoria Mall on Tuesday , in honor of a longstanding Mexican tradition that honors loved ones who passed on. The Day of the Dead, Nov. 2, is a holiday in Mexico in which people have the chance ...
Day of the Dead from
... day of the dead man's widow. On the beach, at the top of the little cone that runs up in the direction oc nearly the Atlantic house, lay one of the life doubtboats of the Massachusetts Hanuua society, ready for action should the call ...
Day of the Dead from
... dead. Captain Rose has for seven years been in charge of the steam lighter "Howard which plies between New Jersey ... dead commander have been interred at Elizabeth, N. J. The Howard nas been undergoing an extensive overhaul at Brown's dry ...
Day of the Dead from
MONTREAL, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER. HOW STRONG IS REMEMBRANCE? On this Remembrance Day of 1944 we are made aware that it is only by the bond of re- membra'nce that the living and the dead are held together. The penetrating questions naturally ...
Day of the Dead from
... dead man througl the rent in the sack. The testimony o Mrs. Kessler concerning the facts of the finding of the body, completely corrob orated the testimony of Joe Strange, who- gave the detailed account of the finding on the second day ...
Day of the Dead from
... day of the crusade was also the last day of tho most Important Buddhist. festival here the festival — of the Dead and the crusade — capitalized on the work holiday and the festival spirit. A reasonably large crowd of the curious and ...
Day of the Dead from
... Day. It is repeated by request. By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK M America to— day wears a sprig of rosemary over its heart for remembrance, A miracle of resurrection takes place in millions of households us the dead come home again, and walk the ...
Day of the Dead from
... day obsen-cd by them. They wil" rc-epca tfcei- stores this evening. Tb< ser ... dead. The candles when lit vrere over 2 feet in lensth and are not allowed ... day lor the dead of. his family, and tie repose cf thpir souls this ...